NSW Trustee and Guardian fee increases - impacts past, present and future
What personal injury clients love and hate after settlement
NDIS funding post-settlement
The Australian Lawyers Alliance published Jane Campbell’s article in the August 2022 Disability Insights Issue no.171 of Precedent Magazine. Jane explains in detail how and why the NDIS calculate a compensation reduction amount reducing NDIS funding after a plaintiff receives relevant personal injury compensation.
NDIS repayments and the compensation reduction amount (CRA)
On Friday 29 July 2022, Aeran’s Jane Campbell spoke at the Australian Lawyers Alliance Medical Law Conference in Sydney on the topic of NDIS repayments and the compensation reduction amount. Personal injury clients need their lawyer to explain the impact of a compensation payment on their NDIS funding.
Personal injury compensation and 'capacity'
Profile on Jane Campell and Aeran in 'Money and Life' magazine
The Financial Planning Association of Australia put Jane Campbell on the cover of their June/July edition of the ‘Money & Life’ magazine. The profile article covered Jane’s background, the founding of Aeran, the financial advice process followed, and how it’s adapted by the Aeran team to best serve personal injury clients.
Maximising personal injury funds management compensation
In most jurisdictions, personal injury lawyers can claim the cost of ‘funds management’ when compensation is being claimed for a child or someone with a brain injury. When your lawyer does their homework on this part of the claim, it can make a huge difference not only to the final settlement sum, but also the quality of life you and your loved one can enjoy for the rest of their life.