Culture, care and clients

At the recent Legalwise Personal Injury Conference in Sydney in March 2023, Sue Chennell, Director at Shared Safety and Risk spoke powerfully about the vital importance of managing the wellbeing and psychosocial risks of personal injury lawyers.

Personal injury lawyers meet clients at a traumatic and vulnerable time. They take on the risk and responsibility of seeking justice within imperfect systems. Outcomes are uncertain and emotions run high.

Here at Aeran, we interact with personal injury lawyers every day. We know the pressure they are under and the lengths they go to for their clients.

Our experienced team understand the dynamics at play in personal injury lawyer/client relationships. This helps us when we have the opportunity to guide personal injury clients into their next phase post-settlement.

We know that trust and integrity are vital, given the difficult journey clients have already been on by the time we meet them.

Having and maintaining the right workplace culture at Aeran is as vital for us as it is for law firms.

We continually strive to learn about and implement best practice - so that we can fulfil our mission, which is not only to help personal injury clients and lawyers, but also to create a good place to work.

Thanks to Sue for her excellent presentation. Thanks too to Legalwise for giving Aeran’s Jane Campbell the opportunity to speak at this conference on the topic of personal injury financial advice.