Personal injury lawyers' guide to recovering costs for funds management
NSW Public Trustee under pressure
NSW Trustee and Guardian is struggling to accommodate the growth in client numbers. Its self-funding structure means some clients are likely cross-subsidising others. Staff have large client loads and are constrained in their ability to get to know, or prioritise the welfare and interests of their clients.
Adviser shortage and the Quality of Advice Review
Aeran is staying up to date and taking great interest in the ongoing reforms to improve the quality of financial advice delivered in Australia. We are proud of being independent, and believe that ideally all financial advice should be impartial, unbiased, without any potential for conflict of interest and solely with the client’s best interests at heart.
Advocating for improved personal injury laws
In the lead up to the March 2023 NSW election, Aeran’s Jane Campbell, in her role as NSW ALA Committee member, was able to be part of a delegation to meet with then NSW Attorney-General, Shadow Attorney-General and a member of the Greens Party. Jane spoke to our concerns about the statutory discount rate and the funding of the NSW Trustee & Guardian.